More and more this sentence is coming up to the hear to people, and trying to take advantage of their daily life style.
However we still far from achieving the main target.
When we talk about food sustainability, we are looking into many points, and here some of the most important
1) #local
3) #Usage of ingredients in cooking
4) #Wastagefree
How to reach a balance of it?
First of all, we need to learn about the products and ingredients we will go to use and after how to deal with the standard daily meal plan.
Of course is becoming an optional part of the life, however, even ordering food to be delivery, how much wastage we produce?
Some days ago, I was listening in a radio program the difference approach to this topic, and I was impressed, how people are leaving always more, the daily time to think about a meal.
From who has already weekly prepfood in the fridge to the Grap&go options, the time to take for a proper daily meal is disappearing.
To reach the right balance, first, we must take back the time to live an adequate life style, and after establishing our priority needs.
What is your thought about this topic?